Captured directly from the one-day course offered in May 2022, expert clinician-educators review the assessment and management of patients with medical comorbidities undergoing surgical procedures. Also discussed: postoperative nausea and vomiting, preoperative blood pressure control, and fasting before surgery. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis in the postoperative period for patients with renal impairment, hereditary or acquired coagulation disorders, or history of recurrent VTE and the best VTE prophylaxis in joint replacement surgery will be reviewed. Preoperative validated risk assessment tools, mitigation strategies for identified comorbidities, and management of postoperative complications is emphasized in the course. Additionally, topics include managing perioperative medications; preoperative cardiac findings (abnormal ECGs, aortic murmurs, pacemakers, devices); pulmonary risk factors; managing the patient with chronic kidney disease and frailty risk indices with modification strategies; postoperative cardiac complications; managing cannabis, suboxone, and methadone; using the target-specific anticoagulants; and treating postoperative delirium.